Modern Data Architecture
Data Process
Data Architecture
Modern Data Process
Step 1
Data ingestion
What Is Data Ingestion?
Data ingestion is the process of obtaining and importing data for immediate use or storage in a database. Data can be streamed in real time or ingested in batches. In real-time data ingestion, each data item is imported as the source emits it. Data required by organisations for decisions support and Analytics are typically generated by multiple internal and external systems and sources. A robust modern data architecture is required to accommodate the ingestion of data from different types no matter the original size.
How Does This Benefit My Business?
Data ingestion is a vital tech that helps companies extract and transfer data in an automated way. Our teams will focus on extracting value from data and finding new insights. Data ingestion helps companies gather data stored across various sites and move it to a unified environment for immediate access and analysis.
Step 2
Data Storage
What Is Data Storage?
Included in the Architecture is several different technologies that can be considered for data staging and storage. Data is cleared and stored in data storage technologies for further processing or modelled and queried for reporting purposes.
How Does This Benefit My Business?
The act of preserving important information and files is vital to ensure continuity and reliability of your data center and network. In many cases where paper files are destroyed, there’s no way to recover the lost data. Electronic data storage lets you back up and protect important information automatically. While digital files can be lost or destroyed, there’s a much lower risk than with paper files.
Step 3
Data Processing
What Is Data Processing?
The processing of data enables advanced Analytics and is crucial to predictive and prescriptive Analytics. The method of data processing would be determined by the analytical requirements – data can for example be processed in real-time to enable real-time decision support to proceed processed and stored for reporting purposes.
How Does This Benefit My Business?
Data processing is essential for organizations to create better business strategies and increase their competitive edge. By converting the data into readable formats like graphs, charts, and documents, employees throughout the organization can understand and use the data.
Step 4
Data Analytics
What Is Data Analytics?
Action needs to be taken on the information gathered, stored and processed within the data Analytics platform. This analysis of information can be achieved through a number of in user Analytics or visualisation technologies.
How Does This Benefit My Business?
Data analytics is important because it helps businesses optimize their performances. Implementing it into the business model means companies can help reduce costs by identifying more efficient ways of doing business and by storing large amounts of data.
Step 5
Data Consumption
What Is Data Consumption?
Data required by organisations for decisions support and Analytics are typically generated by multiple internal and external systems and sources. A robust modern data architecture is required to accommodate the ingestion of data from different types no matter the original size.
How Does This Benefit My Business?
The data in the modern data platform can be consumed in different ways and through different endpoints. reports and data visualisation are one way of data consumption, but other requirements might also exist. Through the design of a robust data analytics platform, data is also made available through other endpoints for upstream, downstream or real-time data provision to any consumer (person or system) of the required data outpoint.